What is in stock:
  • DIRECT ACCESS to Greater Moscow consumer market of 20 mln. people
  • TESTED LOCATION OF ADVANTAGE: Southern part of Moscow Region, close to the Domodedovo International Airport is favored by DHL, GM, John Deere, Paul Hartmann, Volvo Trucks and many more industrialists
  • INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS on a 12 month build-to-suit basis (buy or rent) from a developer with excellent track record - Radius Group (radiusrussia.com)
  • GREENFIELD SITES IN AN INDUSTRIAL PARK. 630 hectares of unpolluted sites within 40 minutes drive from Moscow City suitable for Food and Pharma industries
  • DRY PORT / RAILWAY SERVICE – large transport and logistic railway hub with 400,000 TEU per year turnover (in operation by 2018)
Moscow Region, South, Domodedovo County, M4 Federal Highway
40 km
to Moscow
30 km
to the Domodedovo
15 km
to the A-107 «Betonka»
(Central Ring Road, CKAD)
Contact Sales
Presentation of the project
Центральный Промышленный Парк